The study aimed to evaluate the long-term mortality outcomes following mitral valve repair in women...
Author - Hippocrates Briefs Team
Microvascular Angiogenic Capacity of Pericardial Adipose Tissue...
The study aimed to characterize the microvascular angiogenic capacity of pericardial adipose tissue...
Inhalable Nano-in-Micro Technology for Targeted Heart Failure...
The study aimed to evaluate the tolerability and efficacy of an inhalable lung-to-heart nano-in...
Comparing Clopidogrel and Aspirin Monotherapy After PCI:...
The study aimed to compare the long-term efficacy and safety of clopidogrel monotherapy following...
Health Status Benefits of Tricuspid Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge...
The study explored the health status benefits of tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (T...
Comparative Analysis of Sirolimus-Coated and Paclitaxel-Coated...
The study aimed to compare the quantitative coronary angiographic outcomes at six months following...
VISUALIZED: Comparative Analysis of Intracardiac and...
Read further: Comparative Analysis of Intracardiac and Transesophageal Echocardiography in Left...
Comparative Analysis of Intracardiac and Transesophageal...
The study aimed to compare outcomes following intracardiac echocardiography (ICE), and...
Association of β2-Adrenergic Receptor Autoantibody Levels with...
The study aimed to investigate the association between β2-adrenergic receptor autoantibody (β2-AA)...
The Intermediate Role of Depression in Cardiovascular Disease...
The study aimed to investigate the potential intermediate role of depression in the association...