Cardiology Practice

Diagnosis and Intervention Guidelines on Aortic Disease by the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology

Article Impact Level: HIGH
Data Quality: STRONG
Summary of Circulation, CIR.0000000000001106.
Dr. Eric Isselbacher et al


  • The need for collaborative decision-making is highlighted, particularly when treating people with aortic disease before and during the course.
  • Previously published guidelines were updated, and new recommendations were added.
  • In treating individuals with aortic illness, there is also more importance put on the value of organizational intervention volume and comprehensive aortic team skills.


The “2022 American Heart Association Framework for the Diagnosis and Management of Aortic Disease” offers suggestions to help healthcare professionals with diagnostic testing, genetic analysis, kinship screening, pharmacological treatments, revascularization, surgeries, and protracted monitoring of patients with aortic disease across its diverse clinical presentation subgroups such as asymptomatic, stable symptomatic, and acute aortic syndromes. 

Between January 2021 and April 2021, a thorough literature search was carried out, including trials, analyses, and other information involving individuals published in English from PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, CINHL Complete, and other hand-picked databases pertinent to this recommendation. The writing committee also considered other pertinent research published until June 2022 during the preparation of the guidelines, where necessary.

Physicians may now use revised guidelines from the already published American College of Cardiology guidelines on aortic dissection, vascular disease, and bicuspid aortic valve disease. New guidelines for treating individuals with aortic disease have also been published. The need for collaborative decision-making is highlighted further, particularly when treating individuals with aortic illness before and during pregnancy. In treating patients with aortic disease, there is a greater focus on the value of experimental organizational capacity and multifunctional aortic team skills. 

Link to the article:

Isselbacher, E. M., Preventza, O., Black, J. H., Augoustides, J. G., Beck, A. W., Bolen, M. A., Braverman, A. C., Bray, B. E., Brown-Zimmerman, M. M., Chen, E. P., Collins, T. J., DeAnda, A., Fanola, C. L., Girardi, L. N., Hicks, C. W., Hui, D. S., Jones, W. S., Kalahasti, V., Kim, K. M., … Woo, Y. J. (2022). 2022 acc/aha guideline for the diagnosis and management of aortic disease: A report of the american heart association/american college of cardiology joint committee on clinical practice guidelines. Circulation, CIR.0000000000001106.

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