The study aimed to assess the management of cardiac tamponade in electrophysiological (EP) centers...
Author - Hippocrates Briefs Team
Long-term Clinical and Echocardiographic Outcomes of the Ross...
The Ross procedure, a treatment for adults with aortic valve disease (AVD), has gained renewed...
VISUALIZED: Efficacy of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in...
Read further: Efficacy of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Relieving Stable Angina Symptoms: A...
Efficacy of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Relieving...
In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, researchers aimed to determine whether...
Feasibility and Outcomes of Combining Catheter Ablation and Left...
This single-center retrospective study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and outcomes of combining...
Electrophysiological Differences in Atrial Flutter: Postsurgical...
Atrial flutter is a common arrhythmia in patients with and without prior cardiac surgery. However...
Association Between Handgrip Strength and Prognosis in Heart...
This research paper presents a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the association...
VISUALIZED: High Risk and Poor Outcomes in ADHF Patients with...
Read further: High Risk and Poor Outcomes in ADHF Patients with Persistent Congestion and Worsening...
High Risk and Poor Outcomes in ADHF Patients with Persistent...
This research paper presents findings from a multicenter, prospective registry that aimed to...
Comparative Analysis of Drug-Coated Balloons and Drug-Eluting...
This research paper examines the use of drug-coated balloons (DCB) in percutaneous coronary...