Long-haul flights often involve passengers consuming alcohol, and the combination of inflight sleep...
Author - Hippocrates Briefs Team
Xylitol and Cardiovascular Risk: Metabolomic Insights and...
Understanding the residual risks contributing to cardiovascular diseases remains a critical area of...
Impact of PFAS Exposure on Cardiovascular Health in...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a leading cause of mortality worldwide, influenced by various...
Impact of COVID-19 Vaccination on Cardiopulmonary Events in High...
COVID-19 vaccines have demonstrated efficacy in reducing hospitalizations and mortality rates...
Atrial Fibrillation and Thromboembolic Risks: Insights from a...
In a population-based cohort study utilizing electronic healthcare records from over 5 million...
Facial Infrared Thermography and Machine Learning for Predicting...
In a recent study, researchers investigated the potential of using facial infrared thermography...
AI-Driven Digital Lifestyle Coaching for Hypertension...
In a single-arm nonrandomized trial, the effectiveness of a fully digital, autonomous, and...
Impact of Early vs Late DOAC Initiation on Ischemic Stroke...
In a post hoc analysis of the Early Versus Later Anticoagulation for Stroke With Atrial...
Efficacy of Plozasiran in Reducing Triglyceride Levels in Mixed...
In a 48-week, phase 2b, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, the safety and efficacy...
Computational Analysis of Pulmonary Vein Influence on Left...
The study delves into the intricate relationship between left atrial appendage (LAA) morphology...